22 February 2015

Lingering Doubts - Boggo Road Conditions - 68 years ago - Part 6

Sunday 23 February, 1947
While our grandfather languished in Boggo Road Gaol, the Truth published an article titled Inside Light on Boggo-Road Conditions. A 'hush hush' departmental inquiry was apparently underway following the escape of three prisoners including Arthur 'Slim' Halliday. But another man, after a stay in Boggo Road, went public describing 'appalling filth' and hygiene; he told of a privileged prisoner who slept regularly in the hospital, 'his favourite resort'; gaol food where fruit and vegetables were unheard of; stealing of prison rations; and smuggling of goods in and out of the prison.
This disturbing article hit the news stands on the day Ian Brown (Deb's father) should have been celebrating his 20th birthday. There were no celebrations in the Brown family. 

Tomorrow Ian turns eighty-eight. 
Deb and Jan

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