23 August 2014

Dr Bob Moles on 60 Minutes

Information just received from Dr Moles:
Bob Moles has spent some time in Hobart in the last week or two.
The case of Susan Neill-Fraser. This is a shocking miscarriage of justice case:
I met with politicians and media people in Hobart last week.

I hope you find the program to be of interest.
Best wishes,

Dr Bob Moles
Networked Knowledge
Tel 08 8270 6524
Mobile 0405 10 6524
Web: http://netk.net.au
Email: robertnmoles@gmail.com


  1. Susan's case is just another sad story of injustice where a quick 'wrapping-up' of a case seems to have been the priority over a thorough investigation of 'all' the facts & evidence.

    1. So easy, as Dr Moles said, to build a crime around the suspect...

      Yes a very sad story. Thank goodness for Bob Moles and his dedicated team.


We look forward to your comments and feedback or any information you may wish to share about our grandfather's case.